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07 September 2002 - Well, we nearly made it out of the country...... Epilogue
Addendum - Dan tries to burn down the hotel and slice up his co-driver...

So the days email has been sent and the reception on the porn channel has deteriorated. It's about 1am, Saturday 7th September. As the lights go out, Al mentions that there is a wasp the size of a Fruit Bat somewhere in the room...

Underestimating just how irrational the reaction to this news may be, Al is surprised to find the lights going back on and Dan ranting that he wont be able to sleep until the wasp is 'dealt with' - a rather paranoid story of a wasp following him for miles outside the coach he was travelling in is then repeated...

Said wasp is located and chased to the lampshade of a small bedside lamp. Having settled on the lamp shade it is hard to say who was more surprised - the wasp, Al or Dan - when Dan swipes at it with a shoe. With as much strength as he can muster. On a lampshade. A lampshade containing an energy-saving fluorescent light bulb. An energy-saving fluorescent light bulb that promptly explodes, showering the room with a lot more glass than it had been previously credited with having. An exploded energy-saving fluorescent light bulb that promptly goes up in flames...

A brief pause, then Laughter. Of the hysterical kind. Of the ' I don't believe you just did that you complete and utter "(insert random expletive)". Promptly followed by Al climbing out his glass strewn bed, bleeding profusely from a light bulb inspired gash in his arm.

Flames extinguished, wounds bandaged and wasps dealt with (strike one was less than effective), and ten minutes later it's lights out once more.

Thought for the evening:

"you know we brought the tent?"


"Did we bring any camping equipment - cooker, pans, plates, food etc?"


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